"I feel a strong sense of never having reached my academic potential and having been restricted in many ways by this. It feels like a scary thing to do at the age of 38 but it also feels kinda like it's now or never for me to get off the working merry-go-round and take the plunge." Now's the time to take the plunge. We've all learned there aint no bonus years after some big Ammageddon coming to us. Better 38 than 43 when I started. You cant go backwards but you can go forward. Its fun being the old guy in the class. We have such a jump on all these kids who have no clue about life. It is both easier and HARDER on some level. You will love it. Go do it. Who prevents you? Only you perhaps? I've just reached a milestone, I've gone from being a Pioneer Elder, blah blah blah, to being someone a friend of mine was warned against associating with! All because I don't attend meetings any longer. These people are hypocritcal, pathetic janitors and window washers. Screw the TMS, go get a real education. Enjoy it,,,,,, GUILT FREE!!! W.Once
Wasanelder Once
JoinedPosts by Wasanelder Once
Did any of you head off to University after leaving the org
by yaddayadda inone of my biggest regrets is not getting a degree, due to the jw brain-washing against higher education.
i feel a strong sense of never having reached my academic potential and having been restricted in many ways by this.
i was a high achiever at high school + some teachers were bemused that i never went on to varsity.
Bethel Downsizing Again!
by zack ini do not know if any of you have heard.
no one in my congo.
other than one other elder on the body has heard:.
Wasanelder Once
I'm sure that all those Bethelites that leave will count it a privilege to go home to thier root congregations with thier book binding skills. They have been doing the will of the Great God Jehobby. Now they are going to thier new old assignment, to build up the flock with thier spiritual insights gained at World Headquarters. No depression, no unhappiness, no more room check, no more daily infusion of BS. All in all they will be blessed for adjusting to this new Theocratic arrangement.
Resplendent in fact!
18 movie stars died this year that I liked.
by Undecided ini hate to see so many of the movie stars that i sort of grew up with dieing now.
it reminds me that i'm next and i like living too much to die now.
i just can't feel comfortable with that idea.
Wasanelder Once
And I thought it was "Millions now living will never drive!" Well, there you are.
Service Meeting week of December 26, 2005
by TheListener insong 85.
10 min: local announcements.. 15 min: local needs.. 20 min: new features of awake!
mention the adjustments to awake!
Wasanelder Once
Song 85 Jehovah is our Refuse
10 min: Local Badgering. Turn in your time, pick up the fingernails on the carpet and accounts report, remind publishers to cough up their portion of the payment on the new Kingdom Hall that the P.O. had to have because his ego was bigger than his modest house of seven rooms.
15 min: Local needs. Or encourage publishers to attend their own Kingdom Hall instead of running from one Hall to avoid the divisions and cliques that exist. They’ll only find the same crap everywhere else.
20 min: New Features of Tired Old Awake! Mention the redesign to Awake! announced in the March 2005 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 1, paragraphs 5-6. Include comments on "To Our Bleeders" in the Awake! of January 2005, pages 3-4. Point out examples of how the magazine straightforwardly directs readers to inaccurate quotes on the dangers of blood transfusions. Invite the audience to comment on the new feature on page 31, “I married an Elder and found out he was a Transvestite Catholic." We will continue to offer The Watchtower and Awake! as a set on the initial call because we can’t think of anything new to do. Of course, we will place only one copy of each issue of Awake! with those on our magazine route and with the others who accept the magazines regularly because we can’t afford to be handing out these priceless magazines to just any slob. Using the suggestions on page 8 (if you even go out any longer), demonstrate how to present the January 1, Watchtower and the January Awake! Other really insipid presentations may be used. The January issue of Our Kingdom Ministry will include a second presentation for the January Awake! featuring one of the secondary articles such as: “Never let your guard down, beware that Resplendent South American bird we talked about last year..” Both presentations may be used throughout the mouth and the groin.
Song 222 Keep Your Eyes on her Thighs and concluding prayer.
Watchtower lobbyist!
by Atlantis infrom debbie:http://www.kent.steinhaug.no/forum/showthread.php?s=851bfcc227b752640009930ef93d3eee&threadid=4067 http://www.nyc.gov/lobbyistsearch/s...ephen+lefkowitz.
one new york plaza.
ny, ny 10004.
Wasanelder Once
The bastards "Went down to Egypt" for help instead of waiting on Je-ho-ho-ho-vah. Those spiritual Isrealites just broke da rules.
The Privilege of Handling the Microphones
by minimus inone of the most unbelievable privileges that a brother could have was being a microphone handler.
elders would discuss brothers for hours and see whether or not we would allow them to mow the lawn or handle a mike.
i always felt that these brothers were doing us a favor but if they didn't get a minimum of 10 hours in per month, they were dog crap and couldn't have any privileges.
Wasanelder Once
That just goes to show you that God's Holy Spirit is involved in thier appointment and scheduling. It would take a religious mystery to explain such a system.
Mormons celebrate 200 years
by oldflame injoseph smith founded the church in 1830, 10 years after he claimed to experience a vision of god and jesus in a grove of trees near his family home in palmyra, n.y. he also said an angel named moroni led him to a set of buried gold plates that contained the ancient records of christ's dealings with the inhabitants of the americas.
smith's translation of the plates became known as the book of mormon, the text on which mormons base their religion.. smith's original church had just six members, mostly his family, and only 5,000 copies of the book of mormon were published at first.
he sent out a handful of missionaries.. today mormonism has more than 12 million members half of them outside the united states.
Wasanelder Once
Old Flame:
Any religious nut is a jerk either way.
Hey all you fellow lovers of the Lord, I guess we are all just a bunch of jerks according to wasanelder once. I'll remember that one there pal..............
First Old Flame, A religious nut to me is someone so out of balance with reality that they force thier psychotic religious view on others without allowance for personal choice. This has been my experience in the Mormon "Missionary training" town I live in. So to me any religious nut is a jerk. Its a matter of terms. I'm sure you'd agree that those who inflict thier view on others are jerks. Sharing is fine when appropriate, but to treat others as if they were a part of your religious community when they are not, or to treat them as if your condemnation by your theology is legitimate and not waiting for God to execute it, is at best annoying. So, its your choice and mine if we want our faith to make us a jerk. Wasanelder Once , I disagree with you that the witnesses are so full of guilt they do not act superior to their fellowman. They wholeheartedly believe all of their fellow man will be dead soon and they alone ( the witnesses ) will be alive to watch them all go down. Did you not feel "superior" or "above" every householder you talked to? Gumby, Blanket statements never fare well do they? Sorry for being so general about the guilt thing. I do believe that those witnesses I dealt with had great guilt and were'nt looking forward to the destruction of thier neighbor. They busted their ass to help others. Sure it was partly an ego thing to be of help to others on some level, but that's life isn't it? I did not feel superior to the householders that I spoke to. In fact I bought the whole Apostle Paul thingy about being a debtor to all men. My whole approach was from the standpoint of helping others, not because I was superior, but because I perceived thier being in danger. I had to warn them of the danger from this "System of things" (insert gagging sound) and the "fear inspiring day of Jehovah". (gulp at my own gullibility). I did not look forward to the death of anyone I spoke to. Hey, I was really doing this according to the heart that's why I was sucked in for so long. And yes, Oldflame, the same reason I was a religious nut to some degree. I didn't judge them. Sadly, I converted at least 10 people to Dubdum. I was an over acheiver due mostly to my sincerity and genuine concern for people. This was my life. Now I have come to have a real life where I don't go to people's houses to tell them to shape up or get shipped out! I help my friends on a one on one basis. Peace brothers. To each his own, really, no condemnation. W.Once -
Mormons celebrate 200 years
by oldflame injoseph smith founded the church in 1830, 10 years after he claimed to experience a vision of god and jesus in a grove of trees near his family home in palmyra, n.y. he also said an angel named moroni led him to a set of buried gold plates that contained the ancient records of christ's dealings with the inhabitants of the americas.
smith's translation of the plates became known as the book of mormon, the text on which mormons base their religion.. smith's original church had just six members, mostly his family, and only 5,000 copies of the book of mormon were published at first.
he sent out a handful of missionaries.. today mormonism has more than 12 million members half of them outside the united states.
Wasanelder Once
I understand your point, though I believe that the GB only holds sway over morons here on earth who accept thier authority. For the LDS the R/F have that air about them. They really treat you as if you are lower in thier heavenly caste system now, not later. It is a self exalting religion at best. The R/F witness is so full of guilt that, on the whole, they dont feel superior. Tis the ones with such "wonderful" knowledge that seem to be snobs. The general witness just wants to get by till the big A.
Any religious nut is a jerk either way.
If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it's probably......
by LDH ina duck!!!
the wbts acts like a cult.
it looks and operates like a cult.
Wasanelder Once
Actually its not a cult, but it just might be a duck.
Mormons celebrate 200 years
by oldflame injoseph smith founded the church in 1830, 10 years after he claimed to experience a vision of god and jesus in a grove of trees near his family home in palmyra, n.y. he also said an angel named moroni led him to a set of buried gold plates that contained the ancient records of christ's dealings with the inhabitants of the americas.
smith's translation of the plates became known as the book of mormon, the text on which mormons base their religion.. smith's original church had just six members, mostly his family, and only 5,000 copies of the book of mormon were published at first.
he sent out a handful of missionaries.. today mormonism has more than 12 million members half of them outside the united states.
Wasanelder Once
The Mormons teach that one day they will be Gods. Unfortunately most are not waiting till the afterlife to act like one. They are so self righteous they gag me.